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The Zone G Fun Fly is August 3-4.  Pilot Fee of $10.  

Camping is available at the field.  If setting up before Friday night please contact a club member to help determine location to set up camp.

Breakfast will be available Saturday and Sunday to purchase.

Lunch will be available Saturday to purchase. 

Preregistration required for Claude's Brisket dinner Saturday night ($25) .

Contact Claude Melborne at to purchase dinner tickets.

Campfire and night flying weather permiting.

Swap Meet: You are welcome to bring items to sell at this event.

Public is welcome to attend for free.  

This event is a fundraiser for the South Grenville Food Bank. Feel free to brind donations of canned goods or money.

If you wish to collect sponsorships for this event, your first $100 of donations collected covers your pilot fee. If you collect $200 you will also get a free dinner Saturday night.  Please use the following sheet to track your sponsorships.  You can download the sheet by clicking on in.

Here is a map of where we are located.

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